Horse games and other

Your tour in Kyrgyzstan rent cars is going to be fulfilled with great emotions as we have prepared for you information about nomads, horse games and other national games. Following the travel tour you will see that horse has always been in need of the nomadic tribe and every peculiar person. In the course of a tour it will be possible to get to know how to communicate the horse and even ride the horse. Travelling in the mountains of the country we would like you to make a witness of any horse game as this scene is magnetic.

Talking about games connected with horses, we would like to note the following ones: kok-boru may be witnessed by all travelling in car for rent in Kyrgyzstan. The game is based on two teams of 8 people to throw the dead goat in the goals of their opponents. Erenish is the game when riders need to throw the others from the horses back. All horse games are connected with the necessity horses to have great power and endurance.  Kyz-Kuumai is the wedding game based on the groom to catch a bride being on the back of the horse. During your tour in Kyrgyzstan you will see that the interesting fact is based on the idea that the bride is given stronger horse than the groom. After he managed to catch her, he must kiss and marry her than. The game alysh is based on a wrestling style kind of sport. The game toguz korgool was played by the military people during peaceful days.

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