Burana tower in Kyrgyzstan
Travel and rent a car in Kyrgyzstan you are recommended to take into account main sites and highlights as the tower Burana. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan it is possible to make a witness of the idea that the minaret is located in 60km from Bishkek and seems to be the main building in the ancient city Balasagun. You are advised to take cars for rent get to know that the minaret was created in the 11th century and being the 45m minaret was destroyed in the 13th century by Genghis Khan. Making a travel you can see that we let you know about the facts that in the 15-16th centuries the building disappeared completely. And only in the 19-20th centuries Russian investigators were travelling in Kyrgyzstan and in the course of the tour they found it and let the ruins to be the minaret again. Everything was found by excavations and handed to Historical Museum in Bishkek which may be visited by all travelling in the country nowadays. At the same time the minaret and the road to it is known to be the tour of the Great Silk Road.