Alpinism in Kyrgyzstan

Our company has prepared wonderful alpinism tour in Kyrgyzstan! In the course of your tours in Kyrgyzstan, you will have opportunity to try your mountaineering skills by trekking. It is worth travelling in Kyrgyzstan and experience extreme sport! When you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will be told that, in Soviet Union, there were restrictions for foreigners to visit mountains as well as locals needed to ask permission in order to climb. Nowadays, mountains welcome everyone who want make tour in Kyrgyzstan. We recommend you to be aware from unpredictable weather and prepare warm clothes in your tours in Kyrgyzstan.

During your tour in Kyrgyzstan, we will inform you about mountaineers who can reach all five of the peaks in the former Soviet Union, which are over 7,000 meters and earn the Snow Leopard award. In the course of your tours in Kyrgyzstan, you will find two peaks in Tajikistan, two are in Kyrgyzstan and one (Peak Lenin) is on the border between the two. Today, the award was archived by over 600 climbers.

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